Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Chick Hatching


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To be up to date with the latest in the poultry rearing industry to can check out our poultry rearing latest news. On the other hand in case you are starting chicken farming and would like to start professional poultry rearing today get a copy of our how to raise chickens ebook.

Many individuals want to know how to farm chickens and how to produce more eggs and meat. The yield is determined by various factors including the kind of breed you grow, the food you use, the shelter you provide and, of course, the care you provide.

It is relatively straight forward, but needs determination to raise healthy poultry. Once you provide the right care, you will definitely enjoy fresh plus tasty eggs and meat. Check out the steps below that provide you an idea about how to farm chickens successfully:

Choose carefully the breed you wish to raise: Practically speaking, there will be more than a hundred chicken breeds. Hence, you might be a little puzzled when making your choice of breed. To avoid this, first examine what you would like to get from keeping chickens. You can either keep them for eggs, for meat or maybe for fun. You should select a breed, depending on your preferences. In this way, you will get the utmost rewards from raising chickens.

Give them a proper shelter: After selecting the breed, you should give the chickens a good shelter. To provide for optimal security, it is a good idea to build a chicken coop. These give protection to the birds by keeping them safe from unwanted predators. The coop will also let them have warmth, as long as it comes with enough lights. It is best, if the housing has a nesting place with nesting boxes where the chickens may lay down their eggs.

Right food for good health: As much as health is concerned, the chickens should be let run free in an area that has insects, bugs and seeds for them to eat. Supply the birds with healthy and balanced food as well as with nutritious supplements to ensure they are going to live long. Give them enough water that is clean. This will help the chicks grow healthier and lay eggs more easily.

Help them fight diseases: Protecting the chickens from illnesses is a major factor that you should think about when keeping poultry. When you arrange for shots, you will have no problem with keeping chickens. Generally, chicks are delicate and they are prone to illnesses. The most frequent disease that hens can get is Coccidiosis. Remember that this disease is contagious and can spread easily to other birds. But instead of worrying about curing it, it is wise to stop it before it advances.

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